Monday, 30 October 2017

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Bulgaria Cow bounced on the old woman, the ass fell with laughter

By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: October 30, 2017
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  • After a day spent in the field, an old woman
    Rositza Kasaboba walked along the village road with her donkey and cow
    when suddenly Dana's cow jumped over her back and knocked it down.

    The surrounding villagers only glanced at this scene from the movies, and the 68-year-old Bulgarian, fellow, passed without injury.

    When she was able to pick up, she noticed a joke that even her maragac fell to the ground.

    I was laughing at myself, "says the old woman who promised that she would be disobedient
    cows for Christmas "make sausages." What fate will befall
    A fake donkey is still not known.


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